Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Play Dough Farm Animal Containers!

Kyra's 2nd birthday is this weekend! I wanted to make something cute for party favors, since I made the play dough snowmen for Christmas I thought it would be fun to make farm animal ones. Kyra's party is a "barnyard bash" so why not have farm animal containers with green play dough! So here is my first ever tutorial!

What you'll need:
~Empty Crystal Light containers
~Scrap paper
~Puffy paint in various colors
For the Play dough (my Mom's recipe):
~2 cups flour
~2 cups water
~1 cup salt
~2 tbsp of vegetable oil
~4 tsp cream of tartar
~food coloring

First I drew out my design on a piece of scrap paper, and taped it inside the empty Crystal Light container so I could trace it. If you didn't want to draw your own you could always find something online that you liked.

 Then trace your design with black puffy paint, and let them dry.
 Next fill in your design! I made some mistakes when filling in the colors and went over the line. So once they were dried I went back and did some of the black again. These are my final containers!

Now to make the play dough! Sorry I didn't take any pictures of this. I did have my daughter help me and she loved it!

First you mix all of the ingredients (see above). Once they are mixed well, cook them in a large pan over medium heat, stirring constantly for about 5 mins or until the play dough starts to pull away from the pan. It will start looking like play dough. After it is done knead the dough until its smooth.

Next fill your containers and enjoy!!!

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