I'm a mostly stay at home mom with a beautiful 22 month old daughter, and an amazing fiance. I said mostly stay at home mom because I only work one day a week..its way too expensive for daycare, and that one day is the only day my fiance can watch our daughter. Now you might be thinking "Well why don't you just have family do it?" Well my family is about 3 hours away and my fiance's family is about 3 hours away as well or 12+ hours away. This makes living in the wonderful Adirondacks hard, especially being a first time mom, but I have been blessed with some pretty amazing friends who have become my other family.
We are on a budget so I am trying to become more frugal, and find fun ways to save money. That's one of the reasons I started this blog, I figured there has to be more people out there that need some help and ideas for this too! I also think this blog will be a great de-stressor for me.
Another de-stressor I've found is crafting! I love creating things. Crafting has also helped in being frugal, well for the most part, sometimes its a little too expensive for me. I don't understand why you can't find a good cheap sewing machine?!
Anyways I hope you enjoy my blog, share comments with me and come back for more of my rambles!